Change Aligned

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Insights & Resources​

Going back to the drawing board can be challenging even for the most seasoned leader. Walking away from something you and your team are deeply invested in can be painful. There is often an unpleasant or disruptive aspect to it. However, this is precisely the moment to recognise the act of letting go as a legitimate business strategy.

Would you be able to describe your strengths if I asked you? The answer to this question may prove challenging for many people. It turns out that two-thirds of us are unaware of our own strengths. This is not surprising, however. We tend to focus more on what we lack rather than what we have in abundance and what makes us unique.

Achieving true alignment is a complex, ongoing and challenging process. Even so, it's not impossible, and clear objectives can help set the team on the right path.

What can leaders do to address the accountability challenge? For starters, they should ask themselves whether the fundamental conditions are in place to cultivate and sustain a culture of accountability. Leaders should consider these seven questions.

Chronic overuse may have turned the words "purpose" and "trust" into little more than generic buzzwords or abstractions in corporate environments; however, leaders can't afford to take them for granted. Shared purpose and trust are the cornerstones of successful teams.

In The Press

Drop the Mask? How to balance your personal and professional personas


Empathy meets efficiency: Why human connection is key to business success

Irish Tech News Forbes

Beyond structured frameworks: how to give feedback that inspires growth

Association of MBAs

The Humble CEO: Why leaders need to be more vulnerable

SME Guidance for business growth

3 Questions to ask yourself before a career change

Reader’s Digest

Why harnessing your emotions at work can be beneficial to your career

Business Graduates Association

Free resources

Free Resources 1

Good workplace culture

Free Resources 2

Fostering a coaching culture

Free Resources 3

Leading teams through change

Free Resources 4

To hybrid or not to hybrid